Brain games to boost memory skills and promote our children’s success
18th January, 2018
Memory is the foundation of a successful life for your child. Every day, our children need to remember countless information such as how to tie their shoes and how to get home from school. Working memory is also important for children to learn how to read better, solve maths problems, and ultimately pass their GCSEs. However, research is showing that children today have an attention span and working memory worse than a goldfish. With a huge reliance on technology, our children no longer have the need to remember most things and therefore, are decreasing their ability to maintain information in their heads.
There’s good news though. Memory isn’t static and therefore we can train our brains to process and retain more information. Check out some of these brain games that you and your child can do to help them in school and ultimately help them become successful adults.
Expanding your mind and increasing your child’s memory skills can be fun. With these games, you can use entertainment and leisure to encourage your children to stay on the top of their mind.
Jane Watkins is a freelance writer and editor. She has written for both digital and print across a wide variety of fields. Her main interest is exploring how people can improve their health and well being in their everyday life. And when she isn’t writing, Jane can often be found with her nose in a good book, at the gym or just spending quality time with her family.