Learning from home – English and Reading

13th May, 2020

Our top tips and resources for learning from home with Primary children

Does your child have a passion for English or Reading?

Just because we’re locked down, doesn’t mean we can’t escape to other worlds! Reading is a fantastic way to exercise our imaginations and engage in some much-needed escapism.

Whether it’s going on an adventure with the Famous Five, or putting on different voices whilst reading Thomas the Tank Engine, reading can be the release we all need right now!

Here are some English and Reading learning activities you can do from home…


Keeping a journal is an enjoyable, constructive way for your child to capture daily events, and record their thoughts.

What you’ll need: two notebooks – one for your child, and one for you!

What to do: Help your child start off their journal by brainstorming ideas as to what can be included, from events, to feelings, to creative thoughts. By keeping a journal yourself, you can compare notes at the end of each week – even reading aloud details you both want to share.



Drawing and illustrations can add creative visual imagery to stories!

What you’ll need: drawing paper, pens and pencils, magic markers or crayons

What to do: Choose a fable, fairy tale or short story that your child loves, and ask them to illustrate a part of the story they like best, or draw their depiction of their favourite character.


Cooking is always a delight for children, especially when they can eat the results!

What you’ll need: easy-to-read recipes, cooking utensils, paper and pencils

What to do: Choose a recipe with your child, and ask them to read the recipe to you as you work – maybe they could also help mix the ingredients so they can get involved, too. Your child can write down other recipes they would like to make too, and create their own recipe file.