What are my options for 2024 A-Level Results Day?
8th August, 2024

With A-level results day approaching on the 15th August, it can be useful to start thinking about your next steps if your results aren’t quite what you were hoping for, or if you’ve exceeded expectations.
While many students will have a firm university offer as well as a second choice, it may be the case that you don’t achieve the required grades for either university. If this is the case, don’t panic! There are lots of options available to you, including UCAS’ Clearing and Adjustment process, re-marks and resits.
Option 1: UCAS Clearing
Clearing is a process for students who either don’t meet the required results for their firm or insurance offers, or who exceed expectations and achieve higher grades than predicted. It’s becoming an increasingly popular way for students to find the right course
In 2023, a record 67,990 students secured a place through Clearing, with 32% of them choosing to do so after declining their original firm choice. Notably, over 16,000 students opted for ‘self-release’ after achieving higher-than-expected grades, allowing them to apply for courses with higher entry requirements and secure spots at universities that better matched their new qualifications.
Each year, around 35,000 courses are available through Clearing, which can be browsed on the UCAS website from July 5th until October 21st. If you think you might need to use Clearing, it’s wise to explore your options before Results Day.
You may discover courses that better suit your interests and grades; for instance, if you were planning to study economics but anticipate different results, you could consider related courses like business and geography, which may have different entry requirements.
If you just miss your required grades by a small margin, don’t rush into Clearing. Contact your chosen university first—they may still admit you.
For more information, read our guide to the Clearing process, which includes a step-by-step walkthrough and our advice for the day.

Option 2: Resits/Retakes
If you miss your grades for your firm and second choice and you decide that you do not want to go through Clearing, you can retake your A-levels and reapply for entry next academic year.
If you decide to do this, you are not alone! Around 29% of A-level students retake an exam every year, and every year we at Enjoy Education support students choosing this path.
Our experienced tutors are able to deliver any A-level syllabus. Our in-house team are also on hand to advise on the exam board that would suit you best, taking into account your strengths and interests. We can also arrange for the exams to be retaken at one of our partner exam centres, taking any added stress away from the situation. If you would like to apply to the same course, our tutors are on hand to support your application every step of the way, including advising on courses or universities you might not have thought of.
I’m panicking about Results Day. What can I do?
Remember that our team are here to help you, no matter how Results Day goes!
Whether you want to know more about your options ahead of the day itself, or you have a specific question about the Clearing process, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our expert university admissions team for advice and support.