Celebrating ADHD Awareness Month 2023
29th September, 2023

This year, the theme of ADHD Awareness Month is ‘Moving Forward with ADHD’.
This theme resonates strongly with our work at Enjoy; many families come to us when they’ve had a diagnosis, but don’t have a clear path forward. The reality is that every child’s ADHD is different, so even generic advice may be unhelpful or may not work for each child.
We believe strongly in fostering every student’s individual potential, setting them up for success, whatever that means for them. For neurodiverse students in particular, we know identifying the right path and learning strategies can be tricky, but when done right it can be transformational.
Take a look at some of our recommended resources, insights and blogs below, to support you on your ADHD journey, however far along you are.
Practical steps to take after an ADHD diagnosis
Our Head of Learning Development, Kate, works with students to move forward from a diagnosis, helping them to unlock their strengths and find strategies that work for them. She also works closely with parents to demystify Educational Psychologist reports, so your whole family feels clear and empowered about moving forward.
This month, she’s written a piece for leading SEN Magazine on the practical steps parents can take once they receive a diagnosis – take a look here.
ADHD in girls
If you have a daughter with ADHD, or you are a woman with ADHD yourself, you may be aware that ADHD tends to be highly underdiagnosed in girls.
Take a look at this informative blog written for Enjoy by Psychotherapist and Specialist Education Consultant Jessica Narowlansky, looking at the ‘H’ in ADHD and why this underdiagnosis might be.
As part of the official ADHD Awareness Month 2023, Clinical Psychologist Dr. Littman also explores this question on their podcast – listen here.
Supplies for success
If your child with ADHD struggles with time management, distractions or forgetting things, you may find our recommended ‘supplies for success’ useful to inspire some ideas!
Tutor Dr. Bella, who is a FY2 doctor and has ADHD herself, has also shared some ADHD-aids that work well for her – take a look here for her ideas and to read more about her advice for families and tutors.
Parenting children with ADHD
There are some incredible resources out there to support families on their ADHD journeys. We’re grateful to Alison Gleeson, Founder of Raising Parents, for writing us this blog on her own ADHD journey with her daughter and what she’s learnt along the way.
BBC Bitesize also has some great resources and advice for parents of children with ADHD. Take a look at their great page on parenting a child with ADHD here, or at the SEND area of their website here for more inspiration.
Wherever you are in your journey, we are here to support you. Get in touch to learn more about how we support neurodiverse students to build positive learning pathways that help them achieve their potential.