ADHD Resources from Keel's Lucy Farmbrough
10th November, 2021
As our final mark of ADHD Awareness Month, we wanted to bring you a wonderful resource from our partner Lucy Farmbrough, Founder of Keel.
Lucy has collated a series of top psychoeducational resources to guide and support you to identify and manage ADHD in your family and beyond. From the root causes to breakthrough natural treatment interventions and Polyvagal Theory, read below for some of the most useful information and resources to empower you to make well-informed decisions for your family.
ADHD and Accessing Innate Strengths
Access Keel’s full resource here
1. Key strengths associated with ADHD:
• Creativity
• Adventurousness
• Looking at the Big Picture
• Thinking Outside the Box
• Comfortable With Change & Chaos
• Lots of Energy
2. Get to know your greatest strengths – take the survey:
Encourage your young person to take the ‘VIA YOUTH SURVEY’ for ages 10-17. This free 15-minute character assessment helps young people to discover and access their innate strengths more readily. It is a simple and powerful tool, and it’s free!
3. A Mindful Pause to Change Your Day
If or when overwhelm is setting in, try and get your child or teenager to:
• Pause and feel their in-breath and out-breath for 10-15 seconds.
• Conclude with a question: Which of my character strengths (from the survey) will I bring forward now?
ADHD and the Science of Feeling Safe
1. Polyvagal Theory
Understanding Polyvagal Theory and the Science of Feeling Safe gives us a scientific framework that focuses on what is happening in the body and the nervous system, and explains how our sense of safety, or danger or threat, can impact our behaviour. Conditions such as ADHD can benefit from this ‘bottom up’ approach, where providing cues of safety unlocks the key to our social engagement network, and the foundations of our emotional and physical health.
2. The Safe and Sound Protocol
The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) – a non invasive application of Polyvagal Theory – is an auditory intervention designed to reduce stress and auditory sensitivity while enhancing social engagement and resilience.
3. Stimulating Feelings of Safety
The vagus nerve is the longest cranial nerve in the body, and activates our social engagement system, detecting safety and connection in our environment.
Learn more about how to stimulate the vagus nerve to help increase feelings of calm, compassion and clarity with:
• Breathwork
• Connection
• Singing
• Omega 3s
• Mindfulness and meditation
• Yoga
• Positive self-talk
Please don’t hesitate to call us!
Whether you are wondering whether your child’s traits may reflect ADHD, have just received a diagnosis, or are already receiving support, we would be delighted to have a call with you to identify the best education pathway for your child.